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Won the Street “2021 High Quality Development Award”

On June 25, 2021, Hongshan Tourist Resort (Hongshan Sub-district) and Wuboyuan C&D Company held the 2021 summary commendation and 2022 semi-annual work summary meeting, Hongshan Tourist Resort (Hongshan Sub-district), Wuboyuan C&D All members of the company’s team, middle-level deputy staff and above, the principals of the units stationed in the streets, and representatives of outstanding companies, units and individuals who were commended attended the meeting. The meeting commended LNEYA for winning the “2021 High Quality Development Award”.

Song Zhiming, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hongshan Tourist Resort, deputy director of the management office, and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hongshan Street, said. In 2021, in the face of severe and complicated internal and external situations and the impact of the new crown epidemic, Hongshan adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, fully implements the decisions and deployments of the district committee and district government, and runs out of a new speed of energy level improvement , New quality of people’s livelihood practical affairs, new responsibility for consolidating the bottom line, stimulating party building to lead new achievements, capturing new fruits of rural revitalization, and vigorously promoting the construction and development of Xinhongshan to a new level.


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