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What are the tips for using chiller cooler?

Industry News 4860

  What are the tips for using chiller cooler?

  After purchasing equipment for the cooling cooler, attention should be paid to the installation of the equipment, which will greatly improve the performance of the cooling cooler. Check if the machine is in good condition before installing the cooling cooler. Is the installation site spacious and in a suitable location. Suitable and sufficient space should be selected to facilitate the normal operation and future maintenance of the cooling cooler. It is recommended to install cement hard ground and add installation pads. The installed ground cement is about 50mm thick and can withstand the operating weight of the cooling cooler.

  The installation room temperature of the cooling cooler should be between 5 ℃ and 35 ℃. There is no shelter around or above the cooling cooler, and sufficient space should be left to facilitate smooth airflow and ensure the normal operation of the cooling cooler.

  The installation space of the cooling cooler pipeline should also be rich, and the connection part of the pipeline can use door openings or other suitable openings in other positions. The water in the room should be unobstructed. The cooling cooler water pipe should be selected with an appropriate diameter to ensure the flow and pressure of the cooling system and cold water system during the maximum power operation of the cooling cooler, and to ensure the correct connection between the pipe fittings.

  The reasonable utilization efficiency of cooling coolers is the main method to improve the utilization efficiency of cooling coolers. When using a cooling cooler, the cold water capacity should be reasonably selected or the operating speed of the cooling cooler should be adjusted. Load experiments have shown that, while ensuring the safe operation of refrigeration equipment, the power consumption per unit of cooling capacity is minimized when the cooling cooler operates at a load of 70% -80%.

  Reducing the condensation temperature of the cooling cooler is an important way to improve the cooling efficiency of the cooling cooler. On the premise of meeting the operation, installation, and refrigeration requirements of the cooling cooler, try to increase the evaporation temperature and reduce the condensation temperature as much as possible. For example, when installing a water-cooled cooling cooler, there should be a certain margin when selecting a supporting industrial cooling tower. At the same time, the operation of the pipeline water pump and cooling tower will be comprehensively considered, and the original cooling tower circulating water system will be further modified to ensure the cooling efficiency of the cooling water.

  Avoiding and reducing pipeline fouling in the cooling cooler can improve the heat exchange efficiency of the condenser and evaporator. During the long-term operation of the cooling cooler, if the cooling water and chilled water in the system are improperly disposed, Calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate in the circulating water will produce calcium carbonate and Magnesium carbonate, which will accumulate on the pipe wall or heat exchanger wall, reducing the thermal conductivity, affecting the heat exchange efficiency of the condenser and evaporator, and increasing the power consumption of equipment operation. So when using cooling coolers, we should use corresponding technologies to treat the water, regularly remove scale and clean the water system pipelines and cooling towers, in order to improve heat exchange efficiency.

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