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Compressor failure of reactor cryogenic cooling unit

In the face of the failure of the compressor of the low-temperature cooling unit of the reactor, we need to deal with it in time to ensure normal operation.

  1. The compressor of the low-temperature cooling unit of the reactor is stuck. Basically, the shaft of the compressor is stuck. At this time, the compressor cannot rotate. At this time, the refrigeration oil of the compressor may not be able to come up, resulting in insufficient lubrication of the compressor and increased friction. It will lead to the risk of jamming.

2. If there is dust or impurities in the pipeline of the low-temperature cooling unit of the reactor, it will cause the moving surface of the compressor of the low-temperature cooling unit of the reactor to be stuck. Time to look at these methods to troubleshoot.

3. The user can choose a wooden hammer or other available objects to knock on the three solder joints on the compressor when the low-temperature cooling unit of the reactor is started. Pay attention when knocking, and gently tap to make the stuck part clear. The stuck place gradually becomes loose, and it can also be solved by the impact force of the compressor of the low-temperature cooling unit of the reactor.

4. If the compressor is stuck, a capacitor can also be used to start the engine. Replace the original capacitor of the compressor of the low-temperature cooling unit of the reactor with a larger capacitor to use the increased starting force to make the compressor run more easily.

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