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What is the reason for the sudden increase in power consumption of a 20 ton chiller?

Industry News 5280

  What is the reason for the sudden increase in power consumption of a 20 ton chiller?

  1. When the compressor encounters frost, quickly close the small suction valve, sharply reduce the cooling capacity, and relatively increase power consumption.

  2. As the condensation temperature increases, the compression ratio of the compressor increases, and the energy consumption per unit of refrigeration capacity increases. The condensation temperature is between 25 ° C and 40 ° C, and for every 1 ° C increase, the power consumption increases by approximately 3.2%.

  3. The surface of the evaporator is covered with frost, which reduces the Heat transfer coefficient. Especially when the outer surface of the finned tube is frosted, it not only increases the heat transfer resistance, but also makes it difficult for the air flow between the fins, reducing the appearance. Heat transfer coefficient and heat dissipation area. When the indoor temperature is lower than 0 ° C, when the temperature difference between the two sides is 10 ° C, the Heat transfer coefficient of the evaporator is about 70 after one month of operation before frosting.

  4. When the heat exchange surface of the condenser and evaporator is covered with a layer of oil layer, the condensation temperature increases and the evaporation temperature decreases, resulting in a decrease in cooling capacity and an increase in power consumption. When a 0.1mm thick oil layer accumulates on the surface area of the condenser, the refrigeration capacity of the compressor will decrease by 16.6 and the power consumption will increase by 12.4. When the oil is an inner surface evaporator with a thickness of 0.1 millimeters, in order to maintain the predetermined low temperature requirement, the evaporation temperature decreases by 2.5 ° C and the power consumption increases by 9.7.

  5. When air accumulates in the condenser, the pressure of the condenser will increase. When the partial pressure of non condensing gas reaches 1.96105Pa, the power consumption of the compressor needs to increase by 18.

  6. As the evaporation temperature decreases, the compression ratio of the compressor increases, and the unit energy consumption for production cooling increases. When the evaporation temperature decreases by 1 ° C, it consumes 3% to 4%. Therefore, minimizing the evaporation temperature difference and increasing the evaporation temperature not only saves energy consumption but also increases the relative humidity of the cold chamber.

  7. When the scale of the condenser wall reaches 1.5mm, the condensation temperature rises by 2.8 ° C before the temperature calibration, and the power consumption increases by 9.7.

  8. The gas sucked in by the compressor allows for a certain degree of overheating, but if the overheating is too large, the specific volume of the sucked gas increases, the refrigeration capacity decreases, and the relative power consumption increases.

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