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What is the reason for the decrease in power of water cooled water chiller?

Industry News 4540

  What is the reason for the decrease in power of water cooled water chiller?

  In general, if there is a common malfunction of power reduction in a LX -25℃~30℃ Low Temperature Chiller, the company needs to immediately identify the cause of the common malfunction. If the company fails to immediately grasp various methods to discover and solve common faults of water-cooled chillers during the entire process of using water-cooled chillers, the safety of water-cooled chillers may be endangered and even lead to the continuous occurrence of various small common faults.

  If the probability of common failures in water-cooled chillers is high, then the operating cost of machinery and equipment shows a trend of continuous improvement. Why does the power of water-cooled chillers decrease? There is an immediate connection between the decrease in power and the decrease in output power of machine equipment. For stronger use of water-cooled chiller machines and equipment.

  The situation where machines and equipment reduce the consumption of working temperature and increase the time required to use water-cooled chillers requires careful inspection by the company. If there are common faults due to these reasons, it is only necessary to clear the common faults of the water-cooled chiller. If there are related parts, it is necessary to immediately replace the water-cooled chiller parts and use the method of replacing parts to operate the machine equipment. The safety function of the machine equipment is higher.

  There is a direct connection between the power drop of the water-cooled chiller and whether the air conditioning expansion valve works normally. Before using water-cooled chillers, if technical professionals are not employed in the installation of water-cooled chillers, the safety function of water-cooled chillers in the middle and later stages is very poor.

  Long term operation of industrial chillers may affect the operational safety of mechanical equipment under the premise of various common faults, which may affect the operational safety of mechanical equipment. Even the longer the company operates water-cooled chillers, the more power it consumes.

  The first time using a cold water chiller, the temperature cannot drop. Another reason is that there is a small installation problem between the water cooled chiller and the cooling tower, circulating water pump, and pipeline, which needs to be carefully checked according to the installation diagram;

  If the cooling performance of a water-cooled chiller that has been in use for six months or a year decreases, it may be caused by several issues:

  (1) The cooling system of the chiller leaks refrigerant (Freon). It is recommended to find out the leakage point, repair welding and add refrigerant.

  (2) The heat exchanger of a water-cooled chiller is too dirty. It is recommended to clean the heat exchanger and regularly clean it during subsequent use.

  (3) It may be that the ambient temperature of the chiller is relatively harsh, too high or too low, which results in the chiller not meeting the requirements. In this case, a larger chiller can only be selected to meet the requirements.

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