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Research and exchange of “gathering characteristics and strong clusters”

The deputy secretary of the Street Party Working Committee and the director of the office conducted special research on the development of the Hongshan Street industry, and carried out research on the front line of the enterprise with the topic of “Gathering Features, Strong Clusters, and Leading the Future-Thoughts on the High-quality Development of Hongshan Street Industry”.

During the investigation, Song Zhiming, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and office director of Hongshan Street, came to the LNEYA factory area. Sun Aihua, the company’s deputy general manager, warmly received him and had in-depth exchanges with the leaders of the factory.

The street leaders took the “three advances and three promotions” secretary project as a starting point, further penetrated into the masses and enterprises, and “sinked to the front line” to find out the truth through the research method of going straight to the front line, going directly to the scene, and directly facing the masses.


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